CMJA: Ceroc AdelaideCeroc & Modern Jive Adelaide

Ceroc & Modern Jive Adelaide

Moves for 7/25/2024 at The Irish Club:

Beginner: Neckbreak, Aerial Yoyo, Octopus
Fundamentals: Flow
Variations: Winder Walkunder w/ Veil, Cleaver, Travelling Return Redirect

Moves for 7/18/2024 at The Irish Club:

Beginner: Wurlitzer Roll Across, Lead Walkunder, Aerial Yoyo
Fundamentals: Posture
Variations: Barrel Roll & Cog Turn (Normal, Free, or Extended), Snap Dip

Moves for 7/11/2024 at locations/3BeSLnhIkzQX2O3d0uBn:

Beginner: Catapult, Return & Comb, Wurlitzer Rollacross
Fundamentals: Progressive Turns
Variations: Wrap Pretzel, Hook Turn Ride, Travelling Top Turns (optional double time)